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led by Euclidean Capital, among other investors. With its largest funding round to date, the plant-based milk company brings its total funding to $108.6 million.

What Does Ripple Plant-Based Milk Taste Like? If You're Dairy-Free, This New Plant-Based Milk Is Going to Change Everything For You May 17, 2016 by Dominique Michelle Astorino.

Ripple's main value prop lies in Ripptein, the proprietary pea protein used across its suite of products, which includes pea milk, half & half and Greek yogurt alternative. The trademarked protein is extracted from peas in a process that isolates the protein from elements of the pea associated with its flavor.

In a promotional video on the Ripple Foods website, the company's founders explain the innovation behind Ripptein:

'Pea protein has a lot of amazing benefits for your health. But pea protein has one big problem: it taste like peas,' said co-founder Adam Lowry. Co-founder Neil Renninger added, 'Pure plant protein is actually flavorless. The planty flavor you typically taste in pea protein isn't coming from the protein itself, but from other impurities coming along for the ride.'

Plant-based beverage company Ripple Foods closed their Series C round, gaining $65 million in funding.

Ripple Foods

With its normative company tagline, 'Dairy-Free. As It Should Be,' Ripple Foods and its latest round of capital infusion illustrates the growing market for plant-based food and drink. Ripple's most recent funding round joins the company of plant-based meat company Beyond Meat's $55 million round secured in December 2017 through investors including meat powerhouse Tyson Foods.

This investment in plant-based milk aligns with the changing composition of the global milk market. Milk alternatives achieved global sales of $5.8 billion in 2014 and are predicted to reach $10.9 billion by 2019, representing a 13.3% CAGR. In contrast, traditional (animal) milk sales are predicted to decrease to $15.9 billion, representing an 11% drop between 2015 and 2020.

The DAIRY Pride Act, led by Senator Tammy Baldwin and dairy industry representatives aims to remove the term 'milk' from the packaging of products not derived from animals. Dairy producers are calling for a crackdown on the almond, soy and rice “milks” they say are masquerading as the real thing and cloud the meaning of milk for shoppers. A group that advocates for plant-based products has countered by asking the Food and Drug Administration to say foods can use terms such as “milk” and “sausage,” so long as they’re modified to make clear what’s in them. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Ripple Dairy Free Original Milk

Even with strong market outlook, investment in plant-based milk is not without risk in domestic markets. The 'Defending Against Imitations and Replacements of Yogurt, Milk, and Cheese To Promote Regular Intake of Dairy Everyday Act' (more colloquially referred to as the DAIRY PRIDE Act) threatens the sales and marketing of milk alternatives. Led by Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin and dairy industry representatives, the act seeks to remove the term 'milk' from the packaging of products not derived from 'the complete milking of one or more hooved mammals.'

Aiming to reduce consumer confusion over product ingredients while simultaneously promoting the Department of Agriculture's recommended guidelines for milk consumption, the act could potentially impact how plant-based milk products are shelved in stores. Although not explicitly outlined in the six page act, this legislation could influence retailers to more consciously shelve these products separately from their animal-based counterparts. Segregating these products could hurt plant-based milk producers as cooler space real estate is a competitive, limited and expensive section of supermarket shelves. This act has recently been contested in Washington D.C. by representatives of dairy alternatives producers including MALK, Oatly and Good Karma Foods.

Tentative legislation aside, Ripple's strong round of funding represents confidence for the future of plant-based milk , and moreover one more strike against the Goliath that is big dairy.

If you're vegan, not a fan of dairy, or simply lactose intolerant, then get excited — we've made a pretty awesome discovery, and we think you're going to like it.

Of all the plant-based milks, it can be hard to choose one. Which has the most protein? Which goes best in coffee? Am I getting enough vitamin D? Does this even taste good? We hear ya, and so did the folks over at Ripple, the latest plant-based 'milk' to hit the market.

Ripple is made from pea protein, organic sunflower oil, organic cane sugar, algal oil (for omega-3s), vitamins, and minerals. With eight grams of protein per serving, this alternative milk certainly packs a punch. Each flavor is vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, and nut-free. The original flavor even has half the amount of sugar per serving as a glass of dairy milk (the unsweetened one, which we did not taste, has zero sugar).

We know what you're thinking — what does this stuff taste like? We'll let our taste test do the talking.


Calories: 100

Somewhat flavorless (on purpose!), this blend was like a cross between soy and almond milk. Comments included 'tastes like cow/almond milk, which is the point, right?' and 'tastes like the real thing.' Our colleagues said, 'I could drink this daily,' and 'good for cereal.' The only negative comment was 'really bland,' which is true for all milk, no?


Calories: 135

The positive reviews overflowed for the vanilla Ripple. 'I would put this in my coffee for sure! Love!' and 'Awesome! Basically a melted milkshake' were some of our favorite responses. They also thought this would be 'good for smoothies' and a 'really good milk substitute.' We plan on adding this to our coffee and smoothies ASAP.


Calories: 145

Also well loved was the chocolate Ripple, which was reminiscent of the dark chocolate Silk almond milk you can get at the grocery store. There was one suggestion that it would be 'a tasty hot chocolate substitute' if heated up. 'Delish!' 'So good!' 'Love this one!' 'Perfectly sweet!' and 'Really good!' were all the positive reviews, with negative ones being 'Tastes like a protein shake' (makes sense), 'Reminds me of SlimFast,' and 'Don't love the aftertaste.' Despite some of these more critical reviews, this blend got the highest rating.
