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  1. Hawaii 5 0 Cast
  • How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 47 answers

We are describing here the new features that have been released on October 5, 2011.


I am currently trying to run a plugin im working on onto a test server. The Minecraft server is running spigot 1.7.10, here is the servers java version: Marineford war full english sub.

here is my java version

So it makes no sense why I should be getting this error on my plugin when loading it.

I am using eclipse luna on windows 8.

Bayesialab 5 0 Crackberry

marked as duplicate by netbrain, Makoto javaNov 26 '14 at 7:35

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

3 Answers

You are compiling your plugin with the Java 8 compiler. You are running your server with Java 7, which is not capable of reading the Java 8-format class files in your plugin.

The Snipe is also present at the following: • • • • • •. Mistral In Europe, the European Cup is sailed alternately (odd numbered years) with the European Championship (even numbered years). Annual regattas include the and the in the Western Hemisphere and the, Nordic Championship and East European Championship in Europe.

You can either:

  • Update the server to Java 8.
  • Make Eclipse use the Java 7 compiler (if it's installed on your development machine) by selecting a Java 7 JDK version, in Preferences > Java > Installed JREs:
  • Make Eclipse tell the Java 8 compiler to pretend to be the Java 7 compiler, by setting your 'compiler compliance level' to 1.7, in Preferences > Java > Compiler:

Hawaii 5 0 Cast

Facebook hacker. You have to download java8 and run it with this jre.


Your code has been compiled with Java 8, while you are trying to run it with Java 7.Note that Eclipse has it's own compiler and does not use the one from the JDK and most probablyit is configured to use Java 8. Check you eclipse compiler preferences.

Svetlin ZarevSvetlin Zarev

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