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  1. How To Re Cook Undercooked Chicken
How To Re Cook Crack Resin

How To Re Cook Undercooked Chicken

I've used this method probably 10-15 times with varying results (i think the quality of the coke was a major factor) but maybe someone has a better method.
I usually get a gram or something first. Then these are my tools/ingredients:
metal spoon
metal butter knife
baking soda
bottled water
metal sewing needle
key or end of straw to place bumps of coke on the spoon
paper towel (for mess...)
First I put 2-3 'bumps' with my key/straw on the spoon, then I sprinkle a little baking soda (maybe 1/5 to 1/4 compared to the blow)
then, I dip my finger in the water bottle and put 3 drops on the spoon so it covers all the coke/bakingsoda but doesn't drown it completely.
then, I stir it up a bit with the metal sewing needle
next, I use my lighter (bic usually) and heat the spoon without letting the flame actually touch the spoon
the solution bubbles a bit, the water evaporates, and I'm left with an oily goo that I scrape with the metal butter knife.
repeat a couple or several times always using the same knife to collect the oily substance
let it dry on the knife for a little, then gently scrape/push off onto my homemade pipe (water bottle usually)
any suggestions for improving the method? (without having to buy any other ingredients/tools)
Also, I usually just use a regular water bottle with 2 holes poked in it. I put a cut straw in one hole and tape it so there are no spots for air to escape while the other hole acts as a carb. I also fill the bottle with a little water. I place the crack on a piece of foil with ash from a cig and little holes poked with the sewing needle. Light it up, and enjoy ..
I have pretty good coke. My new guy has much better stuff than I used to get, but this batch is cut with something that is irritating my nose and making it drip alot so I figured I would try making some crack with it to give my nose a break. The coke is good, its just cut with something my nose doesn't like. It's not the best (I've had almost pure straight from Colombia when I was in Panama) but it is pretty good.

Yes, because crack cocaine is a 'Base' state chemically, this means it is not water. If the crack was not chemically 100% base (which lets be honest anything cooked up. Once you turn cocaine into crack, you're adding two more additional.